Alright, I owe some of you a drink… or at least an update.
Happy Hour came and went, and while I did get back to those lucky enough to take home a pint, I may have left some of you hanging. Typically, I’d send a friendly, “Sorry, we couldn’t serve you this round—hope to pour you something special next time!” ...but between shaking up kitten cocktails and wrangling my four human kids (Jr. Bartenders), some of you got radio silence. For that, I apologize. It was a classic case of "busy and wanting to use any extra time to toss a few drinks back and finish the last few seasons of Greys Anatomy with my daughter." (yes, we went from just starting several months ago to finally almost done with 20+ seasons ;) )
But let’s talk about the newest addition to the menu! White Russian has graced us with a solo pint, a single-serving delight we’re calling Mardi Gras "Mardi." One kitten, one big celebration, and all the looks we expect in a Mitcha Coontails' pint.
Mardi is having trouble latching which means I'm on an every two hour feeding schedule because apparently sleep is for people who don't run a cattery. As a result, White Russian's milk bar has dwindled down to empty... so I've officially taken over. It's a lot, but what's one more drink order in the grand scheme of things?